Ditto: An Erotic and Extreme Horror Novelette by Asia Brito Guerrero

Annalise's life hasn't gone the way anyone ever hopes. She has fallen into a destructive cycle of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse at the hands of her longtime boyfriend. She continues spiraling until she meets Ditto. The beautiful and vivacious Ditto awakens a side of her sexuality she didn't know existed. Together, they go on a journey of self-discovery...

And revenge.

Overall, this was a phenomenal short story with a lot to like about it. The main storyline here comes off incredibly well, featuring a fine look into her lifestyle and upbringing with the abusive relationship she has at the forefront of the book involving how she and her boyfriend deal with each other. The interactions her bringing about her low self-esteem and abused mindset after how they treat each other to get started. The introduction of the friend in her life sets everything up into a solid lesbian awakening storyline which fuels the final half of the story, done in a rather immersive manner with how the explicitly-detailed interactions affect her psychologically so that everything that follows has a great framework.

This second half, where the interactions with the two fuel a descent into depravity and murder based on their sapphic encounters awakening an inner strength she never knew she had to escape the situation she finds herself in, is where everything comes to a head quite nicely. Slowly slipping down the scale of perversion and depravity from hanging out in seedy stripclubs, murder, and even worse, the scale is handled with a rather solid touch expertly coming off as a series of revelations that are quite logical yet still emerge from a quite surprising approach. That also makes the ending revelations come off quite nicely with everything taking a fine touch with the hint of what's continuing, completing this one on a high note.
